Asset Requirements

Thank you for choosing SquarePlanet! If we haven’t scared you off yet, we know you’re the kind of company we are psyched about working with, and we know that together we can spotlight your brand in a meaningful, visually stunning, and accurate way.

Contrary to popular belief, we aren’t a powerpoint-presentation-producing-posse (say that five times fast). We’re explainers. We go big or we go home. We make you look as spectacular as you possibly can—but to do that successfully, we need YOUR help. Before we get started, there are a few basic things we’d like from you to get the ball rolling. Many of these items may necessitate a trip to the design department for help. If preferred, our design team is more than willing to coordinate with yours to obtain these files. Our team can be reached here.

For an overview on specifics for each item, click the icons below! When you’re through, please package your files in a zipped folder and click the upload button below.

aspectratioiconlogo-icon photo-res-icon typeface-iconUPLOAD